Hi this is my quotations page, it has all my favourite quotations on it, i hope you'll like them too. It's organised by topic but there is also a little organisation by author which I hope to increase. They're chosen simply by the criteria that they must appeal to me. So if you don't like them that's just because everyone's different. However there will, I'm sure, be some you like, so, enjoy!
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by subject

Science and scientists
War and politics
Love and lust
Everything and anything

and a few authors

Mark Twain
Winston Churchill

more when I can be bothered!

and altogether

Science and Scientists

Basically self-explanatory a lot of quotes about science and by scientists such as Newton Galileo Einstein etc Also look at the quotes by Albert Einstein

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War and Politics

and said by politicians and forces leaders you get the idea Amazing how many quotes there are on these subjects actually considering they tend to be pretty depressing although they can be funny sometimes I suppose Also see Winston Churchill

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Einstein quotes

these can mostly be found in science and scientists some of them are very interesting or amusing clever man Einstein, obviously

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Churchill quotes

these can mostly be found in war and politics theyre inspirational speeches etc well if you were trying to keep a country running during a war you wouldn't really suceed if you said things like i think this is all crap myself would you?

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Love and Lust

anything about boys and girls really and all related subjects their are an awful lot of related subjects

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Everything and anything

Miscellaneous everything left over from the last 3 categories which is about every subject you can think of except if the first thing that springs to your mind is the last three categories if that is the case you are just annoying, mind you so am I.

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Mark Twain quotes

There seem to be a lot of these

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All my quotes

and this is everything from all the categories bunched together in no order a all, well it's convenient for me but I'd look at the categories if I were you.

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